Thursday, March 15, 2012

Another Day

Wow!!! What a change in Cole. If you see Cole everyday you'll see all the small subtle changes and signs of improvement. But you don't realize the sum of all those improvements until you see him after not seeing him for a few days. That's what happened today when I saw him for the first time since he moved to CHLA. I saw the sum of all those improvements that have occurred over the past few days and wow. It really gives you hope and makes you believe that everything is going to be OK.

Probably the one thing that stands out the most about Cole today is that overall he just looks a lot better. Even though he still sleeps a lot allowing his brain to heal, and still gets tired pretty quickly, he's more alert and responsive when he's awake. He talks more, asks questions, smiles, makes jokes, eats a lot more and is walking a little better. He all but busted out laughing once today when he saw his mom dancing in the room to the tunes of Adele.

Cole underwent a marathon of therapy sessions this morning and then had lunch. He tries very hard during the sessions but usually about half way through gets tired and can't continue. This was demonstrated during the afternoon speech therapy session when Cole abruptly put his chin on the table and closed his eyes as the therapist sat across the table from him. And then later, during the same session, leaned back and put his head on the back of his chair and closed his eyes. Cole had had enough. These 2 episodes sparked laughter from everyone in the room. It was really funny.

Cole is doing better and better everyday but no one is under the illusion that the road to recovery will be anything less than a long one requiring a lot of hard work. Even though the MRI's show that Cole's injuries are severe, the doctor doesn't give them much value and believes that based on his current progress, he'll be walking and running around in the next 6 months. He even ventured a guess that by the end of 2 years, Cole could recover to the point that, even though he might have some issues, it would be difficult for even doctors to know that he had an injury at all. The doctor added that Cole will be at CHLA for the next 4-6 weeks.

Cole finished out the night with dinner, a shower and watching cartoons in bed. Sounds like a normal teenager already.


  1. Wooooowooooooo!!! So glad to see a huge smile! Cole, you are the perfect picture of Faith, Hope & Courage...Many hugs to you and your whole family! Love The Marzano's

  2. Cole
    OMG.... It was so awesome to that pic of your smiling face.... Now thats the Cole we know.... Oh wait... The Cole we know was the pic of you having some dinner..... Was that chicken fingers? So happy to see the progress you are making. Keep up the good work buddy!!! Love ya lots!!! And see ya soon!!!
    Brad and Tillie

  3. Thank you for the awesome pictures!!! Too hear and see the improvements are just a testimony to Gods healing touch and strength!!! So excited to see Cole getting better and better! Keep up the fight Cole!! And mom and dad way to be strong for your son and one day he will look back and see all the love and support you gave him as well as people he knew and didn't know! It's the power of prayer and sticking together as Christian brothers and sisters! God Bless you all and I will continue to lift you all up in prayer (;


  4. Cole, Your smile made my day! It is midnight and I am jumping up and down with joy at that great big smile. I can't wait to see it in person. Wow such changes in just a few short days. You are one strong courageous young man, with a God that is awesome. Thanks to God for blessing this world with you and for answering our many prayers. Love you, Mauri, Mike, Ashley, Briana, and Michael

  5. Oh Wow Pictures!! THANK is one thing to read about Cole but to see pictures of him in see him looking happy, to see him laugh, to see him tired, to see him sleeping. As they say, a picture says a thousand words......
    RAH! RAH! GO COLE!! Keep on, keep on Coleing!!
    Blessings to you all! Karen's friend, Tish

  6. Im am so happy for you and your family. You look great but what do you expect from a fighter. Josh has been in San Diego since the accident and has only been home 2 days. He is thinking and praying for you daily for a speedy recovery so you can come home and play with that rc car and track soon! Again God Bless you are all in our prayers !! The Brasil family

  7. A picture is worth a thousand words!!! He looks wonderful. To see him smile is so great! Thank you for the progress report. I will still keep praying! When I go to the city pool to swim, it is so boring just doing laps so I make every stroke and lap a prayer for Cole. I am leaving now. Stand by for answers to daily prayers!!!


    Mary Butterfield

  8. YAY Cole!!!~Luv to hear of your amazing progress~The pictures are great~so nice to see you out of bed~hey are you flipping me the bird???~keep getting stronger my friend~Much Luv & hugs to you and your family~

  9. So glad to hear all is going well! Let me know if you need meals, etc. Prayer requests went out to HDC. Love to you all, Lisa, John, Leslie and Bryan

  10. Jay, you do really good at this blog thing. Thank you so much for keeping us all informed on Cole's progress :) Tom and Rhonda...I just want you both to know how much I love you and how strong I think both of you are. And finally Coleman...Your doing a great job. Keep up the good work and remember I love you...

    Aunt Trish
