Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday , March 5, 2010 9:27 AM PST

Tom, Rhonda and Nana spent the night at the hospital with Cole. Tom and Nana slept on the recliners in the waiting room while Rhonda slept at Cole's side. Tom reluctantly left around 5:30 AM for work but will return as soon as possible.

Cole's condition hasn't changed much. He's still intubated and on a ventilator. His blood gas readings are  a little different today than yesterday but I'm told this could be due to a change in his pain medication. He's still on medication for pain and to tolerated the breathing tube.

His inter-cranial pressure (ICP) has stabilized and the doctors have felt comfortable enough to shut off the drainage tube. The goal is for Cole's ICP to maintain normal levels and ultimately have the bolt removed. It's been about 48 hours since the crash. The doctors say that the brain could continue to swell for up to 72 hours. They will continue to monitor his ICP.

Generally Cole responds to commands and stimulus. In comparison to yesterday, he seems to be a little bit less responsive. Through out the day Cole sometimes makes voluntary movements with his hands, legs and feet.

Tom and Rhonda are hopeful of a full recovery but they know it could be a long road. They are inspired and encouraged daily by the many prayers and thoughts from everyone and by the bible and it's many passages.


  1. Praying for Cole to have a speedy recovery. Lots of love and prayers sent to you and your family. Joe Austin and family

  2. Hi Rhonda and Tom,

    I have had a hard time figuring ot how to post on this blog so this is a test.
    Hope it works

  3. It worked.

    I just wanted to say that we have people praying for all of you across the United States. I told my Daughter in law in Colorado and she requested that her Baka (grandma) in Cleveland also pray. She has the whole Croatian community praying for Cole. Her Baka really has God's ear, she says.

    Just let anyone of us know what your needs are herein Apple Valley, and we will do whatever is needed.

    So gald you got the motorhome set up down there. I will be so much more comfortable for you.

    Just know that we love you.

    Mary Butterfield
