Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Finally On His Way

Tuesday, March13, 2010

3:30 PM DST

After getting an MRI this morning and eating a little lunch this afternoon (he's on a regular diet now), Cole is finally on his way to Children's Hospital in a medical transport vehicle with momma following in her vehicle. Once they arrive, Rhonda expects to just settle in for the evening and then begin Cole's rehab program tomorrow. Rhonda plans on sleeping at the hospital for the next couple of nights until Cole gets settled in and then maybe staying at a nearby friends house or using the Ronald McDonald facilities after that.


  1. This is such great news! Cole is making huge progress! Thanks for keeping us updated Tell Cole we are praying for his full recovery daily.

  2. Tom and Rhonda, we have been reading the updates every day and have been praying for Cole since the moment we heard of the accident! Jeff has also been giving us updates-The entire Flood family sends our love and cannot wait for the day Cole gets to go home and enjoy that new RC track!! We are so grateful to hear of the progress he has made! A special thanks to Uncle Jay for keeping the blog posts updated every day, we all truly appreciate it. Anything at all you need.... xoxo John,Sally,Sharon,Jason

  3. We are so happy to see Cole recovering so well, we continue to pray for all of you and hope to see you all soon. Get well Cole, we miss you buddy.
    The Sheehys.
