Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday. March 8, 2010 1:25 PM PST

Cole moved into his new room last night and introduced himself to the nursing staff by trying to pull out his feeding tube. The staff quickly learned how fast and strong he is but they were faster and stronger.

Tom reports that Cole was pretty restless last night. He sat up in bed several times and at one point was successful in pull his feeding tube completely out. He just wanted to prove he could do it.

This morning Cole continues to be more responsive and purposeful. He follows verbal commands ( but like any other teenage only when he wants to) and although he still is not talking, he communicates by giving his patented thumbs up. He had a physical therapy session this morning but the therapist did most of the work. During the session he was able to sit up in bed with his feet over the edge and support himself with his left arm. The 15 minute session was exhausting so Cole went back to sleep.

The neurologist visited Cole this morning and is please with Cole's progress. He explained that Cole's brain basically suffered a whiplash and only time will tell how extensive his injury is. He will know more as Cole gets up and is walking and talking and receives neuro-psychological testing. The important thing now is the rehab which includes physical, occupational and speech therapy.

Rhonda looks very refreshed, and after getting some quality Z's in the motorhome last night, looks ready to take on whatever the day has to throw at her. Her sister Andrea, who is here from Santa Barbara, slept with her in the motor home and undoubtably provided a level of support and comfort that only a sister can. Tom slept with one eye open last night but managed to get a couple of hours of sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the continued updates. I am so happy that every day Cole is showing great improvement. God is great! Love to you all!!
