Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012 7:00 PM PST

Rhonda, Tom and Nana spent the day with Cole along with family and friends including Grandpa Dick.

Cole's condition seems to be improving. When he's not kicking off his bed sheets, trying to get out of bed or trying to pull every single tube and line off of his body, he's resting comfortably. He opened his eyes at least 3-4 times today on command. He's off his antibiotics and blood pressure meds and is only given his pain medication as needed instead of a constant flow. His ICP is stabile and although the bolt is still in place it really hasn't been needed. He's still intubated and on the ventilator but they hope to remove them tomorrow.

Tom and Rhonda continue to be overwhelmed by the prayers and support and would find it very difficult to continue without them.

Tonight Rhonda told Cole that Ryan Abbatoye (a professional motorcycle rider) signed a jersey for him and Cole very purposely squeezed her hand very tight and didn't let go!

You can also post comments for Tom and Rhonda-I will ensure they read them!


  1. GOD IS GREAT.... This the best news.. I love you all.. We will continue to pray for all of you.
    Love the Amato's

  2. Yes!!!! Amazing....Prayer works.

    Love, Hannah and Family

  3. Wonderful news! Prayers will continue until Cole's sweet smile is back. Love you all- Mel & Peter, Josh, Noah

  4. Nancy and I are so glad to read Cole is improving. We will continue to pray for him.

    Dave Phelps

  5. Great news.... Rhonda, Tom & the rest of the family stay strong he is a tough lil man ....

    Our thoughts are with you <3

    Jim & Kim Abright (chris's mom)

  6. Cole, at every race I open the RV door to your smilling face saying "I've been waiting for Tyson to get here all day, can he play" and then you two are off... Well Tyson is waiting for you. Get stronger, faster, and better each day.

    We are thinking of you often every day.

    Elizabeth, Mike, Taylor and Tyson Johnson

  7. So glad there is a blog.... been checking it regularly. So happy to hear he is improving. We have been praying for Cole since we heard.... Hugs to you all ...
    Rick, Cheryl, Carter and Mitchell Cummins

  8. This is Joe Austin's Family, He went to school with Cole at Vanguard. We are So glad to hear Cole is improving, Will continue saying prayers for you and your family. Love and Prayers sent from the Austin Family.

  9. Thank you so much for keeping us updated with this blog. We will continue to pray for Cole's healing. He is one radiant young man. Love and prayers for all of you.

    Rylee Grant and family

  10. Angie and family , From far away in Argentina we are praying for Cole's full recovery , love for all Maite& Tatiana (Joaquin Mallmann mom and sister .

  11. We were so happy to read this post, to hear that Cole is getting better. We continue to pray for Cole and strength for your entire family. We'll see you soon. The Sheehys.

  12. I am so happy to hear he is improving! We are keeping the Stewart family in our thoughts.
    -Jeff & Ashlie Flood

  13. YAAAY Cole!!!~continue to fight my friend~I am praying for you and your family continually and will not stop until your back in the Daddy's Famous Foods kitchen Roshamboing for your lunch~Stay strong and remember we serve a Awesome God who has you in his hands~Much Love & God Bless

  14. Oh thank GOD! From one race family to another, we feel the pain and are praying non stop for his recovery. The boys (on Brandon's race team) are also there every step of the way for Cole to get back to himself. They want to visit and tell him to get well soon! Thanks Harry for posting. Hugs and strength to you all!
    Laura, Brandon, Rob and the In-Gear Race Team

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This is such good news I can't wait to wrap you up Cole, we love you all so much and will not stop praying for you. Cody Tiff Koda and Kenai

  17. We don't know each other but someone that does facebooked about your situation asking everyone to pray and I felt led to fo so! I pray for quick healing and recovery! God is there So lean on Him through this difficult time. He is the almighty healer(; God Bless and I will continue to pray For Cole and his family.
    Sarah (;

  18. Cole please push u have efected so
    Many people we all love you your like a
    Brother to me at every race your by
    My side some practice and I want
    It to stay that way we all send prayers
    the Johnson's send very many prayers
    To grant,stieler,Garret,Tom,Rhonda,
    Especially you Cole I miss seeing number
    235 at every race

  19. Cole
    Praying for a full recovery for you. A chicken finger in one hand and a camera in the other!!! I love ya buddy!!

  20. We wish you a speedy recovery Cole! We have been praying for you since we heard about your accident & will continue to do so. You are a fighter, so keep on fighting. Much love to you,Tom & Rhonda....

    Love your...
    Aunt Jennifer & Cousin Remie
