Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:55 am PST

Cole is outfitted in his new blue hospital gown today. Previously he was going commando. Knowing Cole, I think he would prefer commando if for nothing else but for the shock factor.

Cole was up to his old tricks last night. He really doesn't like all the tubes and lines attached to his body and he wants out of bed. Rhonda was asleep at Cole's side when she was awakened by his nurse frantically yelling for help. She needed help because Cole was trying to pull the tube out of his mouth...and nearly succeeded. Cole had a death grip on the tube and wouldn't let go. Cole was so insistent on removing the tube, he had to be sedated so they could re-tape the tube. Rhonda laughed as she told the story.

Later in the morning, when Cole was checked by the respiratory therapist and the neurosurgeon, he gave them a thumbs up with both hands on command. In addition, Cole has been observed holding onto the hand rail of his bed, bending his knees, squeezing hands, squirming around in bed, opening his eyes on command and playing with his mother's rings as he holds her hand.

The doctor says that today is the day. He's breathing on his own and they think that he is doing well enough to remove his ventilator tube. They will try later on today.


  1. Keep It up Cole, Keep Fighting!!!!
    The Gewecke's - Tim, Denell, Aaron, Alec and Dorian

  2. I'm oh so excited about the progress "blessings"

  3. Thank God! By the way thank you for keeping us updated. Hugs and prayers for Cole and his family! :) Thank you...
