Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012 8:30 PM PST

Today the Occupational Therapist (OT) again worked out with Cole, making him put on a pair of short pants--he was able to assist in putting them on with his left hand.  He is intermediately wearing a brace on his right hand to keep his fingers stretched out.  The OT said Cole showed improvement today since yesterday's session and that his inability to move his right arm is more than likely the result of his head injury.

Cole regularly sits up in bed, leans forward and hangs onto to his left foot with his left hand for several  minutes and rolls onto his left side for comfort.

One of Cole's former classmates from Vanguard stopped in to visit today while having her cast removed at Loma Linda and brought him a balloon!

Probably the best part of today was Cole was able to give both Tom and Rhonda a kiss when they put their cheek up to him.


  1. We love you and will be praying for a full recovery.

  2. I am soooo soooo happy to hear that you are doing better Cole. I'm still praying for you bud!!! Full recovery dude!!! I love ya and miss ya

  3. Your family has been on my mind every morning I wake up, you all are in my prayers happy to hear the amazing daily improvements your lil man is making!! God is so good :)Amber (K.Q's daughter)

  4. Awesome Cole!!~Keep fighting my friend~Much love to you and your family~
    Shelly Armond
