Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday,  March 7, 2012 10:15 AM PST

Cole had a restful night last night. This morning he has a very content and peaceful look on his face as Rhonda and Nana stand around his bed. He looks totally different today than he did just a few days ago. The swelling in his face and body have gone down. He's less agitated and all those tubes have been removed. The only thing attached to him now is a feeding tube and an I V. He's looking really really good and he hasn't needed any pain medication since yesterday.

Cole is definitely getting more active and responsive. Several times he reached up to the left side of his head with his hand and twirled his hair with his fingers. A mannerism that Rhonda recognizes from Cole's pre-crash days.

Still in a groggy state, he sits up in bed in attempt to get up and out. Anyone around him at that moment quickly restrains him and gently lays him back down. Cole reluctantly complies. It's a routine that will continue throughout the day.

Cole opens his eyes pretty regularly now. Once this morning when his eyes were open, the nurse asked for a thumbs up. Cole took a few seconds to process the command and gave an undeniable thumbs up.

Cole likes having his feet rubbed too. Rhonda stopped rubbing them once and he moved them back towards her hand so she would continue.

He likes grabbing things with his toes. It's not uncommon to see him searching with his feet for things to grab. Bed sheets, pillow cases, beds rails, and blood pressure cuff lines are his favorite. Maybe that's because his feet are the only things he can move without getting into too much trouble.

Later today they expect the physical therapist to come in and begin working with Cole.


  1. I have never met Cole, but I have been praying for him ever since I heard about his crash. I am so glad to hear that he is doing better and will continue to pray for him. Stay strong buddy!!

  2. I an so happy to hear the good news. There is such power in prayer, Cole you are the man. Rhonda and Bonnie it must be such a joy to watch this miracle play out before your eyes. Thank you for letting us be part of this miracle. Prayers still coming your way...
    Karen, Bill, and Chelsea Cates

  3. Howdy Cole!
    Both Cole and Grant took a trip to Tombstone with us as honorary members of the Blood Creek Cowboys along with Bobby and Tyler. Just to let you know Cole..... There's only one way to leave the Blood Creek Cowboys....
    and it's not laying around! Get well Little Buddy you and your family are included in our prayers!!!
    Robert "Southern Jack Cross" Amato

  4. Thank you for these updates. Cole and all of your family are in our prayers. We can't wait to hear Cole tell this story while on the podium. ;) xoxo
