Monday, March 12, 2012

Going to Hollywood

Monday, March 12, 2012

5:00 PM DST

Well it’s been another monumental day for Cole. Today he was wheeled out of his room to the PT room where he performed more mental and physical exercises, which included multi-tasking. He’s doing so well that he’s being released from Loma Linda tomorrow, transported by ground (sorry Cole no helicopter ride this time) to Los Angeles and admitted into Children’s Hospital Los Angeles where he will undergo more intense physical, occupational and speech therapy. He’ll be in therapy sessions from 9am-4pm several times a week.

Cole hasn’t eaten all day because he’s been waiting to have an MRI. He told his mom all he wants to do is eat and have a shower. Cole is getting more talkative and able to carry on more of a conversation. He had a conversation with Grant about the RC car he’s getting and about the new racetrack in the backyard. Cole is very excited about it. He also talked to Aunt Andrea on the phone told her he loved her and   wanted her to come visit him again.

Just a reminder, if you want to make a comment on any of the posts, you will have to open a Google Account. The directions are on the Sunday March 11 1030 post. 


  1. I am so glad to hear Cole is getting better i dont know what worcs would be like without Cole. I was also wondering are the doctors and are you guys still going to let him ride when he is 100% better? Thanks for all the updates and I will keep praying for Cole.

  2. Sounds like really good news that he is being released from Loma Linda. I am sure that they will be able to do so much more at Children's hospital in LA.

    I was talking to Maria (as she and Yolanda were here today) Maria said that she and her sister read the blog every morning. They shared with me that so many times they are moved to tears. (Me too) Maria has put out a request for prayers on her facebook as so many others have.

    God is so good and I see His work in this situation. What a testimony to God's faithfulness.


    Mary Butterfield

  3. I think many of us…even those of us who don't know Cole or his family are moved to tears each and EVERY time we read the blog. Like I said before, this could so easily have been any of our children. You are all in our prayers and we are so happy to hear he is getting a little better each and every day! Dylan Hooper #131, will be at the Panic Rev camp this summer…hopefully we will see Cole, even if it's just to hang out!
    We will keep praying for all of you.
    Bill, Andi, Dylan and Taylor Hooper

  4. God is so good!!!!!! Cole you are a superstar. We are praying for complete healing and we know our God can move mountains. We love all of you. Mauri and family

  5. I am the speech therapist at Vanguard Prep and I met Cole when he was in the 3rd grade. I helped his clas with the musicals they did. Cole impressed me with the 110% he gave to every task. I was so impressed that I joked he was my second in command. I am sure that he will give that 110% to his recovery. I will give my 110% to prayers for Cole and his family.

  6. Cole, we are all so excited to read your progress everyday, your in our prayers day and night, cant wait to see you again, God is GREAT! as always.
    Love the Amato's

  7. Cole! Me And My Family (The Johnson's From The WORCS Races) Are EXTREAMLY Extatic That Your Improving Every day!! Your An Amazing Young Man(:
    Tyson Is Very Happy His Great Friend Cole Is Doing Okay!!
    I Belive He Sent You A Gift To Your House!(:
    Get Better Soon Kiddo!
    We Hope To See You Soon At A WORCS Race!!!!
    WE LOVE YOU COLE!!!!<33
    Stay Strong & Hang In There!
    Thanks For The UpDates On His Daily Progress(:

    <3 Taylor Johnson!

  8. Cole keep going for it like you have been. You're amazing, Mr. Cole. Can't wait to see you. You're always in our prayers and hearts 24/7. Love you

  9. Hey Cole-man your my BUD. You keep up the good work your amazing and your so strong you will be dancing the soldier dance for me in no time. I love you big guy and I'll see you real soon. Love Nana

  10. Cole
    I'm so excited to hear that you continue to get better by leaps and bounds (like we'd expect anything different). I can't wait to be able to have a conversation with you. You will be missed at this upcoming round of the worcs racing. Like so many others I continue to pray for the full recovery that God is sure to bless you with. Lots of love bud!!!See ya soon.
    Tillie and Brad
