Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2010 5:00 PM PST

Cole's had another busy day!  He frequently sits up in bed and hangs his feet over the side (with assistance). He listens to Adele with one ear bud in his ear and the other in Rhonda's. When Cole accidentally knocked his ear bud out, he picked it up and put it back in. When he had enough of the music, he took the ear bud out and handed it back to Mom.

Cole ate a late lunch after working out with the physical therapist (PT) He had chopped chicken, rice, peas, applesauce, cottage cheese, apple juice and ice chips (and what ever that liquid is in his feeding tube). He was more alert today during lunch and was able to feed himself and take drinks from a cup with just a little assistance. He did better today than yesterday. After lunch it was nap time.

Cole's PT session included a walk out to the nurses station and back. He did a little better than yesterday using his right leg during the walk.  Cole also stood at the side of his bed--with assistance--a couple of times throughout the course of the day and although he didn't speak today, he was certainly able to let his parents know what he wants and doesn't want by giving them either a thumbs up or down.

Grant participated in a fund raising walk today that benefited a charity supporting brain injuries and now Garrett, Stieler and Grant are home slaving away making an outdoor RC car track in their backyard--Cole will love that when he gets home.

Cole's room is adorned with an autographed jersey from Ryan Abbatoye,  a "Cole's The Man" sweatshirt from a family friend, pictures and cards from classmates and some mylar balloons. Cole is often seen sitting up in bed looking at them all.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Cole,
    You come from a long line of tremendous athletes. I have no doubt that you will continue the Stewart family tradition this next fall. I can't wait to see your smiling face walk on to the pool deck this fall to play som e Cougar Water Polo.

    Get it done brother....
    Coach Bennett

  3. Your a strong and brave little man Cole....keep up the good work!!!! Love you, Aunt Trish
